April 05, 2015Category_Confidence
Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone!

What you see in this picture is a place where I once lived as a young girl and to some of my faithful readers its not a secret that my past is very dysfunctional. I don't have an issue sharing what once was apart of what made me into the woman that I am today because I could be shaping the next persons new beginnings. The reason why I said, "Once was" is because I went to this place in hopes of tearful reunions and eating family favorites over great memories. However, several states before I arrived to my destination I sensed some very uncomfortable feelings. It was like I had been prepared for this moment, for the disappointment, and disbelief of the things that I didn't want to see or let go.
At first I was pissed but, then I realized that those uneasy feelings that I felt previously was what I needed to feel before hand so that I could deal with what was presented to me. I had truly "Stepped Out of My Comfort Zone" and the beauty of it wasn't even planned. What I had planned to do was to stay for a week but this trip only lasted for 2 1/2 days. I had seen enough and I did what I was suppose to do. I walked away weightless with conformation and closure. As hard as it maybe for me to leave my loved ones where they are in this moment with tears in my eyes; God has bigger plans for me in this
#Confidence journey of mine. I feel that now I have the strength to be a better me, wife, businesswoman, and anything else that's in me.
I found this picture and posted it to my
Facebook page. I would like to share it with you. Add me as your friend.