Detoxing for Mental Clarity

Detoxing for Mental Clarity

As mentioned, that mental health can be generational and yes it can be corrected. When you think about mental health think about your family tree. As far back as possible, because the further back you go the better of an understanding the karmic energetic cycles that maybe helpful to your healing process or discovering your souls purpose.

If you are starting with your grandparents think about the era in which that they were raised in. What resources were available to them and what wasn't? This in itself can give insight on how they lived or survived which created generational abundance or lack. Both are energies and energy is what?....TRANSFERABLE and it doesn't die.

When our grandparents procreated out of love or the necessity to gain a resource for survival it changed the dynamic of mental health and the energy that's been created. For example, when something is created in love it is cared for and protected. It has the necessary tools to thrive and the energy to perceive life from a different scoop.    This doesn't mean that mental health isn't present it just means that there's likely a less chance that in this case an unhealthy energy will be transmuted. 

As for procreating for survival, in most cases the family dynamic will be estranged and toxic because a traumatic event occurred that was not healed. Unhealed generational karmic energy can show up in the next generation as lack of communication, passive behavior, anger, and food disorders just to name a few.


As a millennial who wants to clear up and/or add to the dynamic of the energy that has been passed down (transmitted) then start where you are with what you know. Don't dwell on what has happened because it happened. Focus on the here and now because the here and now is what's going to shape the future you which will reveal your purpose. 


I definitely need to detox. After the loss of my brother two years ago, my body has gone haywire and even though i was the one to find him, i e dealt with that trauma through therapy. But my body hasn’t gotten on board with me living life again and trying to live normally again.

Julie December 01, 2021

I need to detox my whole body but I don’t where to start. Can you put me on the right track ?

Jasmine December 01, 2021

Hi 👋🏽 if I may I would like to get more information about your herb in detoxing the body and brain if you will 🙏🏽

Patricia December 01, 2021

I’m very focused on detoxing for mental clarity.
Thank you,

Anonymous December 01, 2021

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