Are You Inflamed? | Ways to Reduce Inflammation

Are You Inflamed? Ways To Reduce Inflammation.

As I dip in and out of social media for a minute, I wanted to create an easily accessible list of herbs you can use right from the store to your kitchen. So here are ways to reduce inflammation:

Cinnamon: is the inner bark of a cinnamon tree and when dried that is how cinnamon gets it shape. The aroma is from the oils. It is beneficial for infections because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

Cayenne Pepper: gives off heat once digested which slightly boosts the bodies temperature causing the metabolism to increase and may reduce pain.

Ginger: is commonly know for the go to for upset stomach however, its more than that. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant that can improve heart disease.

Hemp Seeds: is another alternative for fish oil because it not only contains vitamins and mineral but it also contains fatty acids. It's also a good source of fiber.

Fun fact all of these herbs, seeds, and spices that I've named throughout any of the videos contain magnesium.  

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Looking fo4ward to reading more.
Recently diagnosed with diabetes and on the pill (trying to prevent shots) I want to understand the cause of insulin resistance and what I have control in doing. But that is not what is shared. So search all the data I can,

Sheena Strickland December 07, 2021

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Anonymous December 01, 2021

Very interesting

Tammy December 01, 2021

I’m look for all things to help with inflammation, and how too use them. I’m so glad You came on my page🥰🤗😄. Thank You

Donna December 01, 2021

I’m so happy I found you on TikTok

Kate Hulme December 01, 2021

How do you suggest I take cinnamon? I love it but we can’t swallow it alone. A capsule ?

Anonymous December 01, 2021

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