Say Yes To A Life.....Style

Say Yes To A Life.....Style

Say Yes To A Life.....Style
Give yourself permission to give up on anything that does not serve you or your peace. And yes, this includes your lifestyle. Just to name a few examples; the way we dress, speak to others, and what we digest physically affects our lifestyles. As we all know, Appearance says a lot about how we love ourselves in most cases. My hair can be unkempt for weeks yet, when I put together an outfit that makes me feel like I'm floating I am unstoppable. There has to be a period of time where trying to be perfect to the tee is the goal and start loving the imperfections becomes a ritual. Although I have always taken an interest in style, I did not always care so heavily about what I wore. Simply because there was comfort in a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt for years. As of now there is a balance because I still have love for jeans and a tee. Balance is key in ever aspect of living. This is why working on what is digest on a daily basis is essential. Hence, what is said and how it is said like giving others compliments can place the brightest light in the darkest places. Especially, when compliments are given to another woman. You never know how words can impact someone else's day. Granted no one has to be kind or do any good deeds but it counts for something.
Say Yes To A Life.....Style
Earrings | Sun glasses | Shirt and Pants | Vera Wang Boots - Sonoma
As for saying yes to a, it can be easy if you don't force it. Most people don't like change and I can understand why. Change requires adjusting or giving up what is comfortable yet not one thing comes from being complacent. The world changes and we should be changing with it as well. Only for the better. A year ago I took on a huge change with my lifestyle also known as my diet. I rarely watch television, water is my drink of choice, and I eat tons of fruit. As I'm typing this post up I just finished cooking dinner with no meat. Has this been easy? No! Did I stumble? I absolutely did. When I stumbled there were lessons that took me to a different level of seeing myself outwardly in order to fix issues inward. What I saw didn't please me one bit so I began the process of elimination. I'm encouraging you to do the same because there's nothing like a piece of mind. You just glow differently!

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