Parents Are You Listening?
Look this gorgeous young lady! Her name is Alexandra Chery from Orlando, Florida. It’s unfortunate that 16 year old Alexandra is no longer with us. About a week ago her life was taken away by someone who was so vindictive that they threw her mingled body in the woods. Reporters have stated that her mother’s long term boyfriend is the prime suspect in the case because just a year ago the boyfriend was accused of inappropriately touching Alexandra. Friends and family knew that Alexandra wasn’t comfortable around this creep and yet the mother didn’t take proper precaution.
Now lets keep in mind this is the #NoJudgementZone however; Parents when your friends, family, and especially your child(ren) has certain feelings about a spouse or male/female friend pay attention to what they are saying because your child(ren) are non replaceable but that man or women is. Alexandra had her whole life ahead of her and from what her loved ones are saying about her she was full of life, vibrant, and deeply involved in her church. My condolences goes out to the family of this young lady and my her soul rest well. Get all the highlights of this story on WESH 2 News