Newbie Naturalista Modernday: Product Review/ACV Rinse
Hi Newbie Naturalistas! Today I'm going to share three things I did to my hair over the weekend which the Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse, introducing my hair to Shea Moisture's Curling Gel Souffle, and a re-twist technique for definition.

Here's what my hair look liked before the process began. It was very dry and my scalp was itchy even though I moisturized the day before. When I was ready to clean my hair I poured ACV in a spray bottle with water to diluted it. Half and half. I soaked my hair with water then began to spray the mixture on my hair and scalp. Once I finished, I allowed the ACV to sit for ten minutes with a plastic bag on my head then I rinsed it out. Y'all that smell is horrible but the results had my scalp feeling like a York Peppermint Patty and I could actually see the build-up coming out of my hair.
The ACV rinse also left my hair very soft, manageable, and it gave my hair better results then any shampoo. After the rinse, I deep conditioned my hair with Shea Moisture's Raw Shea Butter Restorative Conditioner which I mixed with tea tree oil the night before. Deep conditioning consists of placing a plastic cap or bag over your head and sitting under the dryer for about 15-20 minutes. Then rinse.

Once all of that was over I sectioned my hair, applied Cream of Nature's Strength & Shine Leave-in Conditioner, and detangled with my fingers for the most part. As I sectioned my hair, I also applied Shea Moisture's Coconut & Hibiscus Hold & Shine Moisture Mist and the Gel Souffle to the ends of my hair. Overall, I love Shea Moisture's products and would recommend them to those naturals who have kinky, coily texture.

The next three pictures are the results of my twistout. I was some what pleased but noticed that the gel souffle does have a nice hold without drying out my hair or leaving a flaky mess. Plus, the smell is amazing!

Two days later, I decided to re-twist my hair with Cantu's Coconut Curling Cream and of course I couldn't keep my hands of of my head. The definitions was everything that I was hoping for minus the frizzes. Yes, I know I need a haircut BAD!

Oh and these edges! Wait until I show you how to lay them out.
Until next time, thank you for reading. XOXO