Newbie Natural: Silk wrap, Trim, and GROWTH Galore.

Newbie Natural

Newbie Natural: Silk wrap, Trim, and GROWTH Galore.

The last past couple of months I noticed that I had some super long strands that did not have a curl to them. Yes, you guessed It. It was definitely time for a trim. The last time I made an appointment for maintenance like this was in October of last year. When I arrived for my appointment I was an hour late and not on purpose. My GPS would not pick up the location so I stopped at this unknown gas station to ask for directions. There was this man with an MAU shirt on who kind of helped me with getting lost even more then what I already was. The point is his was a perfect stranger who followed me until I found out where I needed to be.

When I finally made it to the salon, I thought I would have to make another appointment but the stylist fit me into his schedule. Let’s just say I was amazed with every moment I spent with the stylist at the salon. He was recommended by a mutual friend and I felt as if I’ve known him for years. He was very open as to why he didn’t like certain techniques for us natural hair sistas. If there were more stylist that had his personality and honesty I truly do believe that more customers would feel more appreciated then being overcharged for poor service. We also exchanged grocery store remedies to use in natural hair after he gave me this fabulous silk wrap. We both were shocked at the outcome of my hair because when I arrived I had the frizziest puff. HA!


Newbie Naturals


The shop was so peaceful that every time we would laugh it seemed as if it was just Marcus, myself, and another client. By the way, check the art work. Until my next adventure, thank you for reading!

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