January 06, 2015Category_Natural Beauty
Newbie Natural Monday: New Year, New Styles!
Newbie Natural Monday: New Year, New Styles!Hello everyone and Happy New Year! I'm truly excited for this year because great things ARE going to happen. I'm claiming that for you as well. I really don't make resolutions because I tend not to stick to them however, I like goals because its more motivating. Goals make you want to keep going and a resolution is a short lived promise that fades as it gets further into the year. Once you've accomplished one goal, you can take that same goal and multiply it by making it greater. That's what I did with my hair goals. First, I learned about natural hair and how to keep it healthy. Now, I want to keep it healthy while retaining length. Do I know everything about natural hair? Absolutely not!

The best way I think my hair will start growing is to do more protective styles which, I wasn't really big on because I didn't think my hair would grow until I seen these pictures. I love my two stand twist outs and puff but this is one thing I'm stepping up a notch and "STEPPING OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE!"

This style is called the Halo because of the two flat twist that are joined in the middle and held in place with long bobby pins. Since my week old stretched hair was still moisturized, I just added a little water to the ends of my hair, Eco Styler, and Curls Control Paste to the thicker parts of my hair so that it lays down.
Until next time, thank you for your support. XOXO!