Closet Staple: Simple Black Dress

Hi Queens! It gives me such great pleasure to tell you why a simple black dress should be a closet staple. What's a closet staple you ask? It is a go to piece to wear when you think you have nothing else to wear in your closet when all else fails. Here are three reasons why: ......... Closet Staple: Simple Black Dress One, because a simple black dress will never go out of style. It is formal and can be dressed up or down because it's a statement on its own. As you can see I wore a pair of hoops and a set of bangles just to keep the completed look simple. You can literally wear a simple black dress anywhere such as, a date night, a cocktail party, girls night out. The list is endless! Closet Staple: Simple Black Dress The second reason, why you need a simple black dress is because black is slimming. I'm sure we've all heard that black can make us look a little thinner. What's not to love about that? Closet Staple: Simple Black Dress Last but never least, a simple black dress is SEXY. Hands down! And no matter what shape or size you are all of us want to feel sexy in our clothes and a black dress will make you feel like that every time. Ok ladies, I hope you enjoyed this post and if you have any questions, comments, or concerns leave them in the comment section below. As always, thank you for reading!

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